Church Family,

This week we picked back up our Psalms for the Summer. Starting back where we left off, Psalm 28 is a Psalm of lament, expressing David’s sincere and justified feelings of despair. Still, as a holy lament, this Psalm is a Psalm of faith. Rather than becoming despondent or vindictive, David responded with confidence that the Lord would be his salvation and would see to justice. Let us seek to be like David as we think back on Psalm 28, eagerly bringing our troubles to God and trusting in His faithfulness to His people.

Kids Camp

Kids Camp is just a few weeks away now, and along with continuing to encourage you to sign up to volunteer we’re also asking that you would take up some particular prayer requests regarding Kids Camp. This week, we encourage you to pray for strength and wisdom for our deaconesses of children’s ministry as they finalize decisions for Kids Camp and are hard at work with all the remaining preparations.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern