Advent (2024)
Acts | Formation of the Early Church
Matthew 21-28 ⎮ The Passion of Christ
Advent (2023)
Hebrews ⏐ Jesus is Better
Making Disciples
Amos | The Lord has roared
5 Solas
Advent (2022)
1 Peter | Faithful Exiles
3 John | For the Truth
Advent (2021)
1 Timothy | Guard the Church
Selection from the Psalms
Advent | Prepare Your Mind (2020)
Genesis | Our Beginnings
God in Fullness
Romans 8 | the Christian life
Beyond The Sermon Podcast
Proverbs | Wisdom for Today
Prayer | Becoming a Praying People
Advent | Prepare Your Heart (2019)
1 Corinthians | the church
Ephesians 6 | The Christian in Complete Armor
Leviticus | A People Cleansed
Colossians | Christology 101
God is...