Church Family,

This past Sunday we looked at Peter and John standing before the authorities in Jerusalem after the two of them had been thrown in prison for preaching the Gospel. These authorities can find no grounds for charges in light of the two apostles’ arguments from the Old Testament and pointing to the man who had been healed in Jesus’ name. Still, the authorities worried what would happen if word of the resurrection spread further and commanded Peter and John to no longer speak in the name of Jesus. Despite the threats made against them, Peter and John said they simply cannot be stopped. The news of salvation through Jesus is too amazing, important, and urgent to be contained. As we look back on this passage this week, we should consider if we see the overwhelming value of the Gospel that Peter and John recognized or if we put greater emphasis on the worldly pressures around us to keep this message bottled up.

Prospective Members Class

We will be hosting a prospective members class on Saturday, May 25th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Attending this class is not a firm commitment to anything; it is simply an opportunity to learn about Light in the Desert Church and what it means to be a member. If you are interested in attending please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.

Pursuing Faithfulness Through the Summer

As our regular mid-week ministries take a pause for the Summer, and as many people use this time to go out of town, it can be easy to fall out of regular rhythms of faithful Christian living. In light of this, we wanted to offer a few practical suggestions for continuing to seek and serve God over these next few months. As we will be returning to the Psalms for our sermons in June and July, consider meeting weekly with someone to either read ahead the Psalm we will cover each week or reflect back on the Psalm afterwards (or both if you’re really ambitious). If you’re traveling, pray for churches you see in your travels, asking God that the truth of the Gospel would be proclaimed powerfully in each of those congregations and thanking Him that we are part of a global body of believers. Watch for the wonder and majesty of God, perhaps in the scenery as travel or in the awe-inspiring storms that will likely come through over the next few months. Consider using time normally spent at church on Wednesdays to share a meal with other church members as an opportunity to grow more invested in each other’s lives.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern