Church Family,

This past Sunday, as we continued to work our way through the book of Acts, we encountered yet another of the many signs and wonders performed by the apostles. As Peter and John entered the temple they came across crippled beggar. Lacking either silver or gold, the apostles offer this man something far more valuable, his strength to walk. Notably, this healing is performed in the name of Jesus, and the apostles use the attention drawn by this miracle to preach Christ crucified and resurrected. Peter and John proclaim to the very people who had Jesus put to death that He still is offering grace and mercy to them. The apostles call the crowd to repent and many do, but others grow irritated and have Peter and John imprisoned. We find in this passage that the Gospel is greater than money, our health, or even our worldly freedom, yet many still bitterly reject it. As we continue to think about this passage this week, we should seriously consider if we are valuing the Gospel as highly as we should.

Prospective Members Class

We will be hosting a prospective members class on Saturday, May 25th 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Attending this class is not a firm commitment to anything; it is simply an opportunity to learn about Light in the Desert Church and what it means to be a member. If you are interested in attending please sign up on the sheet in the foyer.

Kids Camp Donations

We are taking donations for our upcoming kids camp. There are two ways to donate. First, you can take a sticky note with an item to donate off the board in the foyer and put your name down on the sheet for that item. Second, there is an Amazon wish-list you can use to directly purchase items needed for Kids Camp. You can access that wish-list through the QR code in the foyer or by following the link here.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern