Church Family,

This past Sunday we looked at Acts 2:42-47 where we saw the earliest moments of the ministry of the apostles and the developing character of the Early Church. This passage gives us a good opportunity to consider who the apostles were, what their role was, and how we are to understand their authority now. What we find is that they were twelve men uniquely sent out and empowered to point others to Jesus. In doing signs and wonders they demonstrated Jesus’ authority over all creation. In teaching all that Jesus had taught them they made known the good news of salvation through Jesus atoning sacrifice. The apostles’ ministry helped develop an Early Church marked by shocking unity, faithfulness to truth, and a kind of generosity that is beautifully counter-cultural, both then and today. The authority of the apostles even stands to this day as their teaching has been handed down to us in the Bible. As we consider the apostle’s teaching we should take time to consider if we could do more to respond with the kind of radical Christian living we see modeled for us in Acts 2.

Summer Break

Tonight is our last night of regular Wednesday activities for the semester. Feel free to join us tonight even if you haven’t been with us the rest of the semester. Our Wednesday night ministries will be back after summer break. Keep your eyes out for more specific details.

Kids Camp

Kids camp gets closer and closer every day. This is a huge opportunity for us to minister to our community, not just to the kids who attend but also to the kids’ families. Because of this we would strongly encourage you to set aside June 25th-27th to help make the whole thing happen. If you would like to volunteer please sign up on the sheet in the foyer; even if you think we already know you will be volunteering, make sure you write your name down to help keep the administrative end of things all in order.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern