Church Family,
Every time we gather each Sunday, I’m reminded of how much the Lord has used every one of you to encourage me, spur me on, and deepen my faith. Thank you for being a church that values God’s Word above all other thinking. It’s a joy to sit under God’s Word each week and grow together. Genesis continues to teach us about faith. This past Sunday, we explored a contrasting picture of faith. One, Abram, who had the Lord as the aim of his faith, and the other, Lot, had temporal goods as the aim of his faith. It’s tempting to view the temporal of here and now as more sure than the spiritual not yet seen. We will continue to watch Abram and God’s people struggle, as we do, with trust and obedience. With each new story, we will learn the things that hinder our devotion, but we will most clearly see, and rejoice over, the faithful Lord who works despite ourselves!
This Wednesday at 6:30 pm, we will begin our lecture series on The Doctrine of Humanity. We will start the series with zoom only, all the while hoping to move to an in-person option as soon as possible. If there was one doctrine, one theologically belief, that has come under more scrutiny over the past several years, it’s humanity. Who we are, gender, sexuality, race, and what makes us human have been redefined and stretched beyond biblical allowance. Our historical moment needs the Church to stand firm on what we know to be true about us as humans. Please join us each Wednesday as we unpack a different aspect of humanity. Here is the zoom link for this week