SERMON | The Superior Wisdom

Bible Text: Proverbs 26 | Preacher: Bryan Jerry | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | A series on Proverbs is not complete without letting it confront the deeper issues about our struggle to be wise. Merely putting a proverb in our mouths was not the ultimate goal...

SERMON | Self-Control

Bible Text: Proverbs | Preacher: Bryan Jerry | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | Proverbs speak so openly and frequently about a lack of restraint (Proverbs 25:28).  Watch or listen as we unpack Proverbs thorough look at self-control.

PODCAST | Beyond The Sermon: Wealth and Poverty

Bible Text: ProverbsSeries: Beyond The Sermon Podcast | Beyond The Sermon is a podcast designed to take what God does on Sunday, as we come under His word, and move it into our daily lives.  Listen as we discuss what Proverbs teaches about the tough topic of wealth...

SERMON | Wealth and Poverty

Bible Text: Proverbs | Preacher: Brian Arnold | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | Proverbs has much to say about wealth and poverty.  Listen or watch as we unpack what Proverbs has to say on these touchy topics.

SERMON | God’s Providence

Bible Text: Proverbs 16:1-9 | Preacher: Bryan Jerry | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | As we live, act, and make decisions, Proverbs reminds us of God’s providence.  Proverbs 16:9 summarizes well our lives, “The heart of a man plans his ways, but the...

SERMON | The Heart of Wisdom

Bible Text: Proverbs 4 | Preacher: Bryan Jerry | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | Proverbs make plain that the heart of wisdom is the heart.  Listen or watch as we unpack Proverbs four.

SERMON | Trust or Bust

Bible Text: Proverbs 3:1-12 | Preacher: Bryan Jerry | Series: Proverbs | Wisdom for Today | Proverbs 3:1-12.  Watch or listen as we unpack how trust in the Lord affects all decisions we make.

PODCAST | Beyond The Sermon: The Value of Wisdom

Bible Text: Proverbs 2Series: Beyond The Sermon Podcast | Beyond The Sermon is a podcast designed to take what God does on Sunday, as we come under His word, and move it into our daily lives.  In this inaugural episode of Beyond The Sermon, we explore Proverbs 2 and...