Church Family,

This past Sunday concluded a wonderful sermon series of walking slowly and studiously through the book of Hebrews. In the final verse of this book we see what good and godly leadership looks like, the value of such leadership, and how we should respond to good and godly leaders. Good leaders in the church are not necessarily those who are the most creative and charismatic, but those who are faithful to the Gospel. By this faithfulness they lead us towards endurance in Christ, and so it is to our greatest benefit to obey and submit to good and godly leaders. This may be an uncomfortable message in an age so focused on freedom and individualism, but when healthy leadership, obedience, and submission are practiced the joyous benefits are undeniable.

Here in the valley we tend to get a head-start on Spring weather, as you may already be noticing even in mid-February. Similarly, Light in the Desert will be getting a head-start on one of the most wonderful and iconic parts of Spring, Easter. Starting this upcoming Sunday we will be in the book of Matthew, looking closely at passion week one day at a time. As always, we encourage you to read ahead in preparation for Sunday’s sermon, which will cover Palm Sunday as seen in Matthew 21:1-11.

Senior Lunch

We will be having a senior lunch on Wednesday, February 21st. We have not drawn a hard line regarding who is or is not a senior, but if you consider yourself to be a senior you are welcome to join. If you are familiar with how we have done senior lunches in the past there are a few changes to note. First, we will be meeting at noon. Second, we have changed venues to The Hub just down the road at Baseline and Sossaman. Third, if you are planning on attending, we need you to sign up so we can give the restaurant a heads up on how many people we have coming.

Grace be with you,

Logan Murphy

Pastoral Intern